8Bitdo Arcade Stick TRUXTON Steam Bundle (Switch & PC compatible stick)
Release Date:
TRUXTON Steam Code Bundle Edition!
An Arcade Stick with a modern design that respects the great retro classics and your favorite fighting games!
Compatible with Nintendo Switch, Windows, Steam, long hours of gaming ahead.
Complete connectivity allowing you to play via Bluetooth, 2.4Ghz or wired USB.
The famous and classy 8Bitdo Arcade Stick - As a bonus a Steam code for the classic shoot'Em Up TRUXTON is included!
The 8Bitdo arcade stick has three ways to connect: Bluetooth, 2.4G and USB-C. 2.4Ghz receiver included in a special storage compartment.
8Bitdo's "Ultimate Software" gives you ultimate control over every element of your stick: customize button mapping and create macros with any combination.
30+ hours of wireless gaming with a 1000mAh Li-on battery.
An optimal size of 30x20x11 cm for a weight of 2 kg
About Truxton ("Tatsujin" in Japan)
The merciless Gidans invite you to an explosive space commotion!
Climb aboard the mighty Super Fighter and blast your enemies wherever they come from with modifiable weapons.
Destroy all asteroid bases during crucial scenes in this vertical scrolling shooter!
Fend off the alien hordes using multiple weapon styles, including the powerful Truxton Beam, Power Shot, and Thunder Laser.
Each one is able to disintegrate any accelerated offensive!
Wreak even more havoc by relentlessly upgrading all weapon types, increasing their raw destructive power tenfold!
Get in the alien ruin mood by listening to the original soundtrack by Masahiro Yuge.
Minimum Input Lag: Emulation, input processing and full rendering on the same frame.
Quick save, Online leaderboards for single credit, no help, games with help.
Instrument panels with extra gaming experience information and concept art.
Rewind the game by 10 to 18 minutes, depending on the action.
Save shareable broadcasts to immortalize your alien sprays (or funny moments).
Help features such as auto-fire with varied cadence. Very easy mode: Reduces the difficulty of progressing during the adventure.
Scale pixel perfect or full screen in full screen or windowed mode. Rotate the game in 90 degree increments.
Steam Achievements Choose between Raw Input on Windows or Steam Input.
Hone your skills with the ultra-flexible training mode!