● Take care of the residents.
Moonbury has around 30 unique residents who will occasionally get sick and ask for your help. Sick residents will have their schedule interrupted while they recover in bed.
● Diagnose the symptoms and find a cure!
Hmm...low heart rate and swollen liver. Shoulder cramps, perhaps? No, these are clear signs of lung burns. This patient consumed too much gelatin! Easy to care for, just make mint cups.
● Harvest ingredients around the world.
Once you've decided on a potion, salve or ointment, harvest ingredients from the surrounding environments using your upgradeable tools. Explore each unique region in rain, blizzard and scorching desert heat.
● Face tough monsters for their materials.
Gathering materials isn't easy, sometimes you'll need to turn your trusty tools into weapons. Engage in battles in real time and prepare various concoctions to improve yourself or inflict statuses on your opponents and your tools.
● Prepare remedies in your cauldron.
The ingredients you harvest can be mixed in your cauldron to brew medicines, vitamins, and more. The more experienced you are, the more you can evolve your cauldron... and the more powerful your potions will be.
● Build relationships with city residents.
It will take a little time, but the health of your patients will be much better thanks to your efforts and your reputation among them will increase. You may even feel particularly close to certain single residents.
● Watch Moonbury grow.
The small town will grow and improve as you build relationships with the locals. Help others by repairing the facilities scattered around the town and fields around Moonbury Island to unlock more secrets and ingredients that might be useful to you. You can also make and buy new furniture to give your home a personal touch!
● Enjoy the tranquility of rural life.
During free time between treating community ailments, you can freely explore Moonbury and its surrounding areas. Get to know the locals, relax at the tavern or bathhouse, and go fishing to catch something for dinner. With no time limit on game objectives, you are free to go at your own pace.
● Spend time with your faithful companion.
You didn't move to Moonbury alone! Your loyal canine companion is with you every step of the way. Your dog can help you locate hidden objects and point you in the direction of residents going about their business.